The Archdeacon of Rochester summoned a meeting of eleeeyinen in
his neighbourhood fur Tneeles. with the view of' eetelifellitee schools in connexion with the Established Church. On that day many clergy- men attended ; but instead of proceeding to the 'melte-se of the meeting as explained by the Archdeacon, one after :mother ruse and delivered violent epee:: ies against the Government scheme of educel ion. &Tiering that resolutions condemning it should be passed befere any other bu- siness was done. This the Archdeacon would not permit ; and the meeting broke up without doing any thing in the busitices Mr which they were brought together.
A contest at Peterborough about a ellarell-rate, ended in a majority for the rate, of -103 to 194.
Sir J. J. Guest has purchased the greatest part of the Newton estate, for which he has agreed to give 40,000/.—C'embrent.
I lylands, the residence of the late 1'. C. lethoueliere, Esq., has been purehased by Mr. A ttwood, the gentleman whose name has often been made public in the case of Small rersue Attwood, for the sum of 50000/. — teersci Citron icle.
The Birmingham and Derby Railway is now open. The junction of the two railways is effected near the Hampton statiom, about six miles from Coventry. The length of the Derby,. line is thirty-three miles.
A meeting was held on 'Tuesday of the Newcastle Banking Company, attended by a great nonsher of proprietors, at which a most favourable report was produced. The net profits of the I :ink for the leer half year amounted to i I per cent. per annum on the paid-up ecu and the premiums received at the sale of shares (luring the same period, amounted to 2 per cent. more, making together miwards of 13/. per cent.; out of which 8 per cent. was agreed to be divided, and the surplus carried to the reserved fund.—.Voreastk. Chronicle.
The fifth half-yearly meeting of the shareholders of the Carlisle and Cumberland haute was held at their benking-honee 01 Wednesday. It appeared from the report and balance-sheet, which shows a steady in- crease of the lueiness of' the bank, and which scats rc: d to the meeting, that the paid-itp capital of the enmpany was 51.925/., :eel that the profits for the ball'-yeer endingaoth .1 nne lest amount Lee-1. 1 I s, 7 being at the rate of rather more than 10 per cent. per :noun[ on the pitid-up capital. The dividend is declared at the end of the year.— Carlisle .Iunrnal.