17 AUGUST 1878, Page 1

On Tuesday, too, Sir Charles Mlle elicited from Sir S..

Northcote that Turkey looks on the proposed rectification of the Greek frontier with a certain "jealousy," though both Mr. Bourke and Sir S. Northcote deny knowledge of any refusal of Turkey to agree to the proposals of the Congress. And very likely Turkey will not refuse till she is obliged. She knows that possession is the main thing, and that the longer she can put off absolutely refusing, the longer her possession will be quite undis- puted. But it is clear enough that she has no intention of ceding anything to Greece, and that she still adheres to the good old plan, "that they should take, who have the power, and they should keep who can." She can keep and will keep the territory which the Congress " invited " her to band over to Greece, unless military Powers greater than Greece interfere. Moral suasion has no effect at all upon the Turks.