Mountain Air.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] Sru,—I can confirm the remarks you quote as to the effect of high altitudes on the working of the vital machine, having four years ago......
IN LOVE'S ECLIPSE. WHEN death—the dreadful shadow of the earth— Rests on the mortal face of Love's twin star, Love turns dismayed, as if that shadowy bar Could shut him off for......
The Constitutional Issue.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Now that the great Constitutional debate is over, there will be great danger lest the admirable lessons urged with so much force and......
A GERMAN HYPATIA." WE would preface our notice of this interesting novel by advising every reader to follow our example, and read it in the original. We presume that our ideal......
To An Iconoclastic Poet. Fight Not Dead Gods, Nor Think
the incense-cloud Which in our day hides the Eternal Face Comes from a priestly hand. The heavenly grace Thou see'st in a bare room or city's crowd, Abides no less within the......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin,—Judging from many years' experience in hospitals and sick- rooms, I am at a loss to know to what disease the writer of your article on......