Mr. Spottiswoode, The New President Of The British...
delivered the address at the opening of the meeting at Dublin on Wednesday last. His subject was chiefly mathematics, and we have shown elsewhere how very deep he lays the......
Another Remarkable Letter, Signed "an Epirote," Appeared...
Times, narrating the manner in which England had kept her engagements with Greece to see that Greece suffered nothing in the issue by her pacific action, and her efforts to......
Lord Beaconsfield Has Made A Good Appointment To The Vacant
Deanery of Peterborough, in the Rev. John James Stewart Perowne. Dr. Perowne is a considerable Hebrew scholar, one of the Company for the Revision of the Authorised Version of......
Yesterday Week The New Bishoprics Bill Was Carried...
in spite of a running fire of criticism from the Radi- cal Opposition, who strove to make all Bishops appear at once superfluous and ridiculous. Mr. Dillwyn read some attacks on......
Mr. H. Samuelson Brought Before The House Of Commons On
Wednesday the extremely unsatisfactory character of the inquiry into the death of the Times' correspondent, Mr. Ogle, showing that there was strong reason to suppose that he was......
One Of Mr. Spottiswoode's Moat Curious Facts Was This
:- "Professor James Thomson has recently constructed a machine which, by means of the mere friction of a disk, a cylinder, and a ball, is capable of effecting a variety of the......
The Health Of The 42nd And 101st Regiments, Now In
Cyprus, is, according to the correspondent of the Daily News, in a very bad condition. That correspondent states that 170 of the former regiment are down with fever, and that......
The Ministerial Fish Dinner Was Held On Wednesday, And Was
signalised by a curious freak of literary effort in the preparation of the menu. This was composed in very elaborate old English, being headed, "Ye annnale Whytebaite Dinner of......