17 AUGUST 1901, Page 1


LORITKITCHENER'S proclamation, the appearance of which we were able to Chronicle last week, -seems to be bearing good fruit. The first week after its issue was a record week in captures and surrenders, and every day adds to the number of Boer prisoners. As one of the correspondents states, "a marked tendencyto surrender" is apparent among the Boere. For ourselves, we hold Lord Kitchener's proclamation to be fully justified. If the Beers continue to fight while they leave their wives and children to be supported by us, it is only right that they should be made to bear the cost. To make the Boers feel that every day they are losing an acre or so of their landed estates is far better than to threaten them with the death penalty after a particular date. That shuts the door with a bang. Lord Kitchener's plan leaves the door open, and gives the Boers an inducement to enter it which increases every day.