Where Is My Husband ? And Other Brown Studies. By
George Frost. (T. Burleigh. 2e. 6d. net.)—This little collection of essays is decidedly amusing, and contains some very happy sentences, in spite of its somewhat infelicitous......
Some Books Of The Week. •
[Under this heading ore notice such Books of the week as hare not been reserved for review in other forms.] The Tale of the Argonauts. By Apollonins of Rhodes. Trans- lated by......
Church History For Lay Readers.
The Post - Apostolic Age. By Lucius Waterman, D.D. With an Introduction by Henry Codman Potter, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of New York. (T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh. 6s.)—The author of......
The Transit Of Civilization From England To America In The,
Seventeenth Century. By Edward Eggleston. (Hirschfeld Brothers. 6s. net.)—The book to which this not very intelligible title is given is intended to correct popular notions......
C Urrent Literature.
DR. MARTINEAU AND PROFESSOR KNIGHT.. Inter Arnim: Letters between James Martineau and William Knight, 1869 - 72. (John Murray. 5s.)—This volume contains a sermon, a reprinted......