Derwent Water Preservation.
pro TES EDITOR Or TILE " SPECTATOR."] Sts,—I have read with great pleasure the letter from "A Stroller," published in the Spectator of August 3rd, in which he makes known his......
The English A.ttitude Towards Roman Catholics.
[TO TIIE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR." SIII,—The article in the Spectator of August 3rd on this sub- ject recalls to my mind an interesting anecdote told me by an old Oxford friend......
The Late Bishop Of Dvhila,1/ At Harrow. Mo Tee Edit9b
CAE THE "SPEcTAT0E.1 Sin,—The lamented death of the Bishop of Durham remind 4 m e of all his goodness to me during my school-time at Harrow. With yeuthful naiveté I once asked......
A Correction.
[To THE EDITOR OD TILE "SPEITRTOR."] you allow me to correct the statement made by your reviewer of Mr. McCabe's " Abelard" (Spectator, Augnst 10th) that the author "was for......