17 AUGUST 1901, Page 3

Whatever shortcomings may have existed in other refugee camps, that

at Klerksdorp, as described by Reuter's corre- spondent in Wednesday's Times, leaves little room for adverse criticism. In this camp, which contains about three thousand persons, mostly children, the maximum number of inmates in a tent is five, and no work is imposed on the able-bodied refugees beyond that of removing rubbish, cutting and Carrying fuel, and carrying water. The supply; of fuel, water, and cooking appliances is ample, and the rations are on so liberal a Scale that some of the families cannot consume their supply. In addition to free distribution of blankets and clothing by the Government, several charitable agencies are at work supplying the wants of the camp inhabi- tants with the assistance of an advisory committee selected by the superintendent of the camp and including the wives of several Boer leaders on commando in the neighbourhood. Free education is provided for five hundred pupils under a former Transvaal schoolmaster and eleven assistants; the camp doctor visits the camp twice daily; a Dutch trained midwife lives in the camp ; and there are two large hospital tents for those who dislike entering the regular hospital in the town. The report, which is dated July lath, is a striking commentary on our alleged "barbarous methods" of con- ducting warfare in South Africa.