[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—With reference to your recent series of articles, "The Greatest Benefactor," it may be interesting to hear the views of a raw African Native. We had been speaking of the benefits (so called) conferred upon the Negroid races by the white man. Railways, hospitals, motor-cars, wireless, gramophones, &c., had all been mentioned ; and we opined that our audience, a particularly illiterate and primitive African type, must be duly impressed.
"Oh," he exclaimed, "I don't think much of all those things, but this I do think perfectly amazing "—and from his loin-cloth fished out a box of matches—and said, "How you have managed to bottle and keep dead fire like this beats me ! "
It is obvious that he was in very little doubt as to which direction one should look in to find the world's greatest benefactor.—! am, Sir, &c.,
Herschel Native Reserve, S. Africa.