Current Literature
DER REICHSTAGBRAND PROZESS By Dr. Sack A hook about the Reichstag trial, compiled by one of the leading counsel in the ease, ought to be a work of compelling interest. In this......
Karl Barth And Christian Unity By Professor A. Keller, D.d.
The sub-title of Professor Keller's work (Lutterworth Press, 10s. 6d.) is "The Influence of the Barthian Movement upo n the Churches of the World." If the discourse sometimes......
Special Delivery
By Branch Cabal Mr. Cabell's "fan-mail" is, one gathers, enormous ; and in Special Delivery (Philip Allan, 8s. 6d.) we are given the careful and whimsical protest of this......
Scotland In 10 Days By J. J. Bell Mr. Bell's
third book on Scotland is as clear, as well- informed, and as readable as the earlier two. He, if anybody, ought to be able to cope with Scotland in 10 Days (Harrap, 5s.). He......