The Pocket Prometheus
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—With reference to your recent series of articles, "The Greatest Benefactor," it may be interesting to hear the views of a raw African......
[to The Editor Of Tile Spectator.] Snt,—in The...
on "Women and Men's Work in The Spectator of August 10th, it is assumed that all women work because they are obliged to do so. This is not the case : many girls have attractive......
Doctors And The Right To Kill
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I can hardly make out from Dr. Sym's letter whether he wishes to criticize my conclusions, or to support them. On the face of it, my short......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR, —Though not presuming to offer an opinion on the matter discussed in the letters of Dr. Harry Roberts and Dr. Sym, I venture to question their use of the engagingly......
Why Women Work
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In her extremely interesting article on "Women and Men's Work" in The Spectator of August 30th Ray Strachey examines the 1931 census......
Last Words On The Rope Trick
[To the. Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Although correspondence on this subject has ceased in your columns, it is possible that the following may be eon . sidered by you to be of......
Walking And Stalking [to The Editor Of Tiie Svectston]...
would like to ask Mr. F. W. Berry to reconcile his statement that "if there is to be any sport at all the ground must be kept absolutely quiet and undisturbed or no deer will......