[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—At the request of the Trustees I am engaged in writing the biography of the late Pandit Shyamaji Krishnavarma. It will be recalled that the late Pandit was one of the first Indians to participate in public affairs in England ; and one of the many distinctions to which he could lay claim was that of being the first Indian to hold a Lectureship in the University of Oxford. His memory is perpetuated in the University by the annual Herbert Spencer Memorial Lecture which he founded, and which was delivered this year by Dean Inge. To help me in my task of collecting the very varied evidence of his versatile career I would be grateful if any of your readers who can supply personal anecdotes or copies of docu- ments would correspond with me.—' am, Sir, &c.,
3 Parton Street, W.C.1.
I. K. 1'Am...rm.