17 AUGUST 1934, Page 2

Russia and the League There seems now no reasonable doubt

that Russia will apply for membership of the League of Nations at next month's Assembly, and that the application will be almost universally supported. But Poland's attitude arouses some apprehension. The Poles have always aspired to a permanent seat themselves, and their pertinacity in that respect was one of the two causes of the fiasco in March, 1926, which involved the post- ponement for six months of Germany's admission to the League. If Poland presses for a permanent seat now her example will inevitably be followed by Spain, and possibly other States. That would increase the number of permanent members quite unduly, for it is not to be assumed that Germany, and Japan will be absent for ever. Unfortunately Poland is uneasy at present about the proposed Eastern Locarno, and for that and other reasons much less amenable than usual to the influence of France, who is Russia's chief sponsor. Poland, moreover, is raising again the question of making the obligations in the Minority Treaties of universal applica- tion. In theory that is perfectly reasonable, but it will involve collision with Italy and certain other States which are not prepared to accept Treaty obligations in regard to their minorities. Altogether, therefore, Poland will be well in the forefront at Geneva next month, and it Is to be hoped that in her ultimate decisions she will be animated, as she has often been in the past, first and foremost by concern for the good of the League as a whole.