Penguin Verse The Penguin Book of English Verse, edited by
John Hayward (Penguin Books, 4s. 6d.) is an excellent buy for anyone either wanting to be introduced to English poetry or liking to have a selection of their favourite poems in a portable form. Mr. Hayward's taste is as nearly impeccable as it is possible for any anthologist's to be, and, from the moment I opened the book and found the first poem was Wyatt's 'The Lover Sheweth How He Is Forsaken of Such As He Sometime Enjoyed,' I completely failed to feel my usual irritation at other people's compilations. The compari-
son with the Oxford Book is, I suppose, inevit- able. Mr. Hayward's choice is much more modern : the metaphysicals come off better and the Romantics worse. Yet there is no injustice done to the nineteenth century : in particular, seeing half a dozen of Tennyson's lyrics isolated here, one realises with a shock of recognition what a fine lyrical poet he is —something which, I am ashamed to say, I had forgotten. Certain poets are, of course, more difficult to anthologise properly. The problem of Pope is not really solved, while both Wordsworth and Spenser need to be read at very great length, if their characteristic style is to be appreciated. On the other hand it is good to see that American poets are also included in this anthology. The term 'English' in reference to poetry should nowadays, surely, always be taken to mean 'written in