It Is Pleasant To Hear That The Stalin Platz In
Vienna is to have its old name back. When I was in Vienna in 1951 everyone steadfastly refused to call it anything but the Schwartzenburg Platz, so that the change back is......
From The Start Of The Crisis The Manchester Guardian Adopted
a let's-not-get-worked-up-over-trifles line which might have made it thoroughly unpopular; and whatever my feelings about its wisdom, I had to applaud its courage—until I saw......
* * * It Is A Pleasant Novelty For Londoners
to see a new face as Soviet Foreign Minister. But those who have been in contact with Mr. Shepilov have, I am told, already begun to regret Mr. Molotov, who, however hostile in......
For Some Months Now Uganda Has Been Listening To Rumours
about an impending change of Governor. Sir Andrew Cohen's great popularity there, surviving through various crises, made it particularly important that tact should be exercised......
'what About The Price?' A Daily Express Editorial Asked Last
week, in a homily on the advantages of removing the bread subsidy. `Elevenpence is the trade forecast. But at first there was talk of a shilling loaf. So the price has dropped a......
A Spectator's Notebook
THE PARALLEL, between Nasser's nationalisation of the Suez Canal company and Hitler's occupation of the Rhineland is, as Sir Robert Boothby said in a letter to The Times, almost......
The Easiest Way, I Find, To Overcome Feelings Of Impatience
or resentment against the Egyptians is to remind myself that it is only four years or so since they were liberated from Farouk. When I was last in Egypt the show tourist......