Authorised Version
THE most astounding fact in this book is one which will appeal only to registered escape-addicts, for whom it is in some sense the first authorised dose. In June, 1943, when the......
How To Wreck The Earth
PELICAN IN THE WILDERNESS. By F. Fraser Darling. (Unwin, 25s.) NINETY-NINE marks out of a hundred for an author who ha s , written a honey of a book. It is packed with the rare......
Schumann In Perspective
SCHUMANN AND THE ROMANTIC AGE. By Marcel Brion. Translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury. (Collins, 21s.) M. BRION has, deliberately and rightly, adjusted Schumann into a context merely......
Death Of An Eagle
CLOSE Or A DYNASTY. By Vice-Admiral Sir Francis Pridham, KBE, CB. (Allan Wingate, 18s.) SOME time has indeed elapsed since any new book has been written about the collapse of......