On Monday Lord Lansdowne in the House of Lords and
Mr. George Wyndham in the Commons unfolded the Government's military proposals. We have given elsewhere our reasons for considering them inadequate, but will state here the details of the proposal. According to Mr. Wyndham the forces at home at the present moment are :—Regulars, 98,000; Reseivists, 12,000 ; Yeomanry, 7,000 ; Militia, 77,000 ; Volunteers, 215,000; total, 409,000. By various means the Government intend to make the total force at least half a million, and Mr. Wyndham believes that they will obtain 600,000 men in all. To accomplish this they mean to raise 30,000 Regulars, and 50,000 Militia and Yeomanry, the rest will be Volunteers. In the case of the Regulars they will raise:—Line, 12 battalions ; Line (Reserve emergency), 17 battalions ; Field Artillery, 36 batteries ; Horse. Artillery, 7 battiries ; Cavalry, 4 regiments. In addition, sufficient
Army Service Corps and Engineers are to be raised for two more Army Corps.