Mars.—we Have Received The First Three Of A Proposed Series
of "Handy Classical Maps " (John Murray). These are Britannia, ls. net ; Hispania, 1s. net ; and Italia, ls. 6d. not. They are admirably clear, as good maps, in short, as we......
The Kendals. By T. Edgar Pemberton. (c. Arthur Pearson....
is a narrative of the theatrical life of Mr. and Mrs. Kendal. Mr. Kendal, it should be understood, is really Mr. William Hunter Grimston ; Mrs. Kendal was, by birth, a......
Malay Magic. By W. W. Skeat. (macmillan And Co. 21s.)—
The student of comparative folk-lore would find a great deal to interest him in Mr. Skeat's volume. The witchcraft of the Malay has not been so very long extinct in our own......
Thbology.—the Hebrew Tragedy. By Colonel C. R. Conder....
Sons. 3s.)—Colonel Conder has done so much to make the Jewish people, as it really was, better known to the English people, that his book finds us prepossessed in its favour.......