For The Past Three Months The British Public Has Been
too deeply interested in the war in South Africa to watch the progress of the war in the Philippines, but the Americans have been steadily "pegging away " in their manner,......
The German Emperor Is Clearly Possessed By The Idea Of
a great fleet. He cannot make a speech without an allusion to it, even bringing it into an address to his brother Henry on his return from China. The Navy Bill is being forced......
M. Comely, Of The Paris Figaro, Has Published A Very
thoughtful commentary upon the military proposals of the British Government. He admires Lord Lansdowne for rejecting all proposals for conscription, not so much, he says,......
The Prussian Government Disapproves Of Mr. Whiteley And...
altogether, and has introduced a Bill for their sup- pression. Any firm dealing in groceries, clothing upholstery, or jewellery, and objects of art will, if it deals in more......
The Berlin Correspondent Of The Times Reports That The...
German Gazette, which is more or less official, quotes, and thereby endorses, a paper by Dr. Edward von Hartmann urging that Holland should be induced, or even compelled by......
In The House Of Lords On Thursday Lord Rosebery Made
a strong but, in our opinion, not too strong attack upon the military proposals of the Government, which he condemned as inadequate on very much the same grounds that we have......
The Continental Papers Are Still Extremely Hostile, Even...
Liberal journals exulting over British difficulties, but there is a perceptible alteration in the direction of their thoughts. They are less confident as they perceive the reso-......
Before We Leave Lord Rosebery's Speech We Must Endorse Most
heartily his protest against the Government's failure to strengthen the Fleet. No one, of course, wants the Govern- ment to mobilise flying squadrons, or to act in an offensive......