17 FEBRUARY 1900, Page 24


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not hen reserved for review in oiler forms.] Wagers of Battle, 1S54-1999. Verses by Franklin Lushington and Henry Lushington. (Macmillan and Co. ls. net.)—Here we have a collection of spirited verse ; i. to viii. were written in the Crimean days, ix. is an "In Memoriam " of Havelock, x. hears the superscription " A.D. 1899 Play Out the Game.' " Perhaps the finest in the collection is i., "The Muster of the Guards," but we prefer to devote all the space that we can spare to an extract from the last :— " Prayers—for strength to defend the right, through drifts of doubt, In trouble and stress,

Prayers—for wisdom to guide the helm—prayers for His grace to govern and bless : Thanks—for valour of daughter nations, happy to press where their mother strives, Eager to aid her, eager to shield her, loyally lending love and lives.

Hail, Australia I welcome, Canada I Greater Britain all round the wave, Fight one fight and carry one banner, plant it firm on tyranny's grave Weld our kinship Into Empire—Empire based on the one true plan, Freemen's rights and freemen's Justice broadening still between man and man Honestly wrought for, fearlessly fought fur, spreading o'er land and spread aver sea, Empire—born of a stern death-struggle, christened in blood of the brave and the free."