Latin Literature of the Empire. Selected and edited by Alfred
Gudeman. Vol. II. " Poetry." (Harper and Brothers.)— Professor Gudeman follows up his earlier volume of " Prose " this selection from the poets of the Empire, beginning with the Pseudo - Yergitiana, as he calls them, for he is quite positive that none of the minor pieces sometimes printed among Virgil's Poems are genuine, and ending with Claudianus, incom- parably the finest of the company, unless we are to except Juvenal. The reader will find much to interest him. It is really a service to be gratefully acknowledged, when a scholar of taste is good enough to wade through the " Argonautica " of Valerius Flaccns and the "Punica" of Silvius Italicus, and choose out some more or less tolerable specimens. Seneca's Tragedies, again, yield some fine things, and so does Marsilius.