Another sort of census of birds is kept by many
gardeners and .private observers. It may interest them to have a very
exact and careful list kept by a scientific observer on the outskirts of Bath. In or over her garden of a quarter of an acre have been recorded fifty-two different species wit:.:a the last ten years.
Hawk—over. Rook.
Owl. Jackdaw.
Flycatcher (July). Magpie.
Dipper. Swallow.
Mime! Thrush. Martin.
Song Thrush. Swift.
Blackbird. Green Woodpeekor.
Hedge Sparrow. Tree Creeper.
Robin. Wien.
Red Start (july). Nuthatch.
Wood Wren. Cuckoo.
Wood Warbler. Bullfinch.
Chill Chaff. Red-backed Shrike.
Great Tit. Hawfinch.
Blue Tit. Whitethroat.
Cole Tit. Lesser Whitethreat, Marsh Tit. Golden-crested Wren.
Long-tailed Tit (with family). Tree Sparrow.
Grey Wagtail (29.11.26). Goldfinch.
Common Bunting. Blackcap.
Chaffmch. Groat Spotted Wood.
Brambling. pecker.
Sparrow. Turtle Dove.
Greenfinch. Sedge Warbler.
Starling. Pied Flycatcher.
Crow. iskin (1).