17 FEBRUARY 1933, page 20
The Adventure Of Poetry
The Adventure of Poetry. By Frank Hendon. (Black. 2s. ficL) MR. KENDON'S is a voice that . is not often heard ; but when he does speak he is 'instantly recognizable, for few......
The Pompous Cad
Memoirs of the Comte Alexandre de Tilly. Translated by Francois Debate. With an introduction by Dr. Havelock Ellis, (Gollimcz. 18s.) Jr was Stendhal who just over a hundred......
Helping Lawrence
The Independent Arab. By Major Sir Hubert Young, C.M.G., 1).S.O. (John Murray. Its. 6d.) IT was in 1908 that Sir Hubert Young first entered those Middle Eastern countries in......