Although the net profits of Harrods, Limited, for the past year amounted to £838,649, against 1697,069 for the previous year, the falling off is no more than might have been......
Gas Companies.
I find myself very much in sympathy with the protests made from time to time by gas companies against any attempts made by housing authorities to enforce conditions as to the......
Financial Notes
IrrvEsTmmrrs STEADY. A atm= rise in money rates not only in London but also in New York and Paris has had practically no effect upon the market for gilt-edged securities. Nor is......
Tobacco Profits.
The profits earned by the leading tobacco companies are so stupendous that even allowing for reductions during these times of depression the figures are still very striking. All......
A Good Industrial Report.
A good annual report has just been issued by Tilling and British Automobile Traction, Limited. This, of course, is a holding concern, deriving its profits from holdings in other......
Nothing Luke Leather.
In view of the fact that boots and shoes, in common with many other articles, have shared in the recent downward movement in prices, it was only to be expected that the latest......
Bank Rate 2 Per Cent., Changed From 21 Per Cent.
on June 30th, 1932,......