[To the Editor of Tau Srecraroa.]
Sm,—Mr. Runcirnan, in his speech at Porthleven, justified the Import Duties on the ground that they added n0,000,000 to the revenue. He omitted to say, however, that this was only obtained by impoverishing the British consumer, who pays every penny of this additional taxation ; and, as an exporter of very long standing, I can assure Mr. Runeiman that in addition to this financial strain upon the country our export trade, which is the only trade bringing money into the country, has appreciably diminished, owing to the increased cost of raw material. We export merchants are tired of hearing the manufacturers curse the tariffs which are so seriously crippling their trade in manufactured goods.—I am, Sir, &c., 1 Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. 8. JAMES H. WEAGER.