[To the Editor. of THE SPECTATOR.] Sra,—The controversy as to body line bowling has brought into being an expression as meaningless as it is indefensible grammatically. The Spectator and The Times have ever been notable for the accuracy of their grammar and the purity of their language. But alas ! aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus, the great ones have fallen a victim to the " leg trap."
Recently, your numerous readers must have been grieved and pained to read a reference to the "leg theory." The word 'theory is sometimes misused as synonymous with hypothesis, but it can scarcely be abased to signify a scheme. or plan. Anyone who has been hit by a fast bowler will agree that while such an, occurrence may be according to plan, it is certainly no hypothesis, but a fact which is likely to ensure painful reminiscences.—I am, Sir, &c.,