[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sra,—Preparations for the season of the open road must precede even the first hints of spring, and we accordingly ask you to allow us, through your columns, to make a brief appeal in connexion with the work of the Scottish Youth Hostels Association, which is now entering on its third year of activity. For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with its work we may explain that the object of the Association is to provide hostels. where its members can, at the cost of one shilling, obtain a bed and facilities for cooking. This object should appeal to all who desire to see the young trained to healthy exercise, to habits of self-reliance and in that intimate love of their country which is the root of true patriotism. In the year that, has just finished, the number of hostels reached nineteen ; the membership rose to over 3,800 and the number of " bed- nights " exceeded 22,000. It is a matter for pride and congratulation that no complaint of any substance whatever has been made with regard to the behaviour of any member of the Association while in or about any of the hostels. The Committee has arranged to open five more hostels in the North-west of Scotland this year. For these funds are in hand. But they have the opportunity of opening six other hostels elsewhere if the money for their equipment is forth- coming. VMS is required and it is for this sum that we now appeal. We are well aware that there could be no worse time for raising money. On the other hand we doubt whether there is any way in which the expenditure of £600 would provide so much health and happiness. Those who wish to he more closely associated with the work of the Association are reminded that the life membership fee is 15 and that the addition of one hundred and twenty life members would provide the sum required. Contributions will be most gratefully acknowledged by the Honorary Treasurer of the Association, Mr. R. B. Fasken, 10 Harrison Road, Edinburgh. Our senior President, Lord Salvesen, is at present in New Zealand, which accounts for the absence of his signature.— We are, Sir, &c.,