[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I call the attention of your readers to the approach- ing tercentenary of George Herbert ? On February 26th, the date of his burial, a sermon is to be preached by the Bishop of Blackburn in Bemerton Church ; but the main celebrations are to be held in June, including a pageant in the gardens of Wilton House, and a lecture by the Poet Laureate.
I visited the little Church last summer and found the west window filled with plain glass. It occurred to me that a suitable memorial to the poet would be a stained glass window in his own church. The rector is thoroughly in sympathy with this idea, and he or I will be glad to receive subscriptions for this purpose from the Many admirers of Herbert there must' be amongst your readers. The total sum requisite will be about /100. All subscriptions will be gratefully acknowledged by us—the Rev. Montague E. Alderson, M.A., Remerton Rectory, Salisbury ; or the -
undersigned.—I aM,, SIT, &C., C. CURRIE MARTEN. 80 Ambrose Avenue, London, K.W. 11. -