17 JANUARY 1846, Page 12


AiturvED-At Gravesend, 9th Jan. Margaretha, Bauer, from Batavia ; llth, James Tureen, Tureen, from China ; 12th, Planet, Harrison, from Madras ; and Pearl, Hey- wood, from Ceylon • 13th, John Fleming, Clark, from Calcutta ; 14th, Acorn, Loutted, from Mauritius; 15th, Sea Queen, Wood ; and John Calvin, Knox, from Calcutta. In the Downs, 13th, Vlbilia, Miller, from Mauritius ; 14th, Ann, Williamson, from ditto ; and Timandra, Skinner, from Calcutta ; and 15th, Jane Thompson, Cook, from Cal- cutta. Off Swanage, Morning Star, Harrison, from Mauritius. Off Plymouth, 12th, Waverley, Morgan, from ditto ; and 14th, Monteflore, Humble, from ditto. At Liver- pool, 9th, D'Arcy, Garrick, from the Cape ; 10th, Canopus, Cox, from China ; William Prowse, Thompson, from Calcutta ; and Anjer, Bell, from Bombay. In the Clyde, 9th, Bella Marina, Wood, from Bombay.

SAILED--From Gravesend, 14th Jan. Hashemy, Ross, for Madras. From Bristol, 12th, Providence, Page, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 9th, Thomas Fielden, Black- stone, for Calcutta ; 10th, Cannata, ;Tillson, for China ; and Menzies, Whittern, for
