News Of The Week.
THE Central Protection Society has come forth to fight the Anti- Corn-law League "at its own weapons"—that is, in the Registra- tion Courts, with the making of forty-shilling......
There Are Some Signs Of Further Restlessness In The...
Rumours have gone abroad that Corn-law scruples render Lord Granville Somerset's seat uneasy ; it was said early in the week that he was to leave the Cabinet ; but that has been......
It Is Rumoured That Lord Cathcart Is To Be The
new Governor- General of Canada—of course, provisionally, as Sir John Col borne was. A military commander, unknown to politics, cannot be a fit Governor for Canada, whatever his......
The Burgesses Of Glasgow Have Presented Lord John Russell...
the freedom of their city ; and in return he has presented them with a long speech and five shorter speeches. Lord John therefore is free to set up a retail trade in the......