17 JANUARY 1846, page 12

A Parson's Report Of His Parish.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SFECTATOR. Sai-There are points in the condition of a house which a single brick may tell better than a picturesque view from a distance. I wish therefore......

Topics Of The Day.

THE NEWEST MOVEMENT. IF the constituencies really represent " the people," there are signs of a remarkable change which is taking place. Liverpool, says Mr. Cobden, is likely to......


On the 14th November, at Madras, the Wife of the Rev. George Knox., Chaplain to the Hon. East India Company, of a son. On the 1st January, at Florence, the Hon. Mrs. Campbell......

East India Shipping.

AiturvED-At Gravesend, 9th Jan. Margaretha, Bauer, from Batavia ; llth, James Tureen, Tureen, from China ; 12th, Planet, Harrison, from Madras ; and Pearl, Hey- wood, from......