SIR,—Having seen a letter in your last issue, from Mr. Astley, on the subject of " The Gin,' or Steel Trap with Teeth," I ven- ture, as a member of the Committee of the Humane Trap. Society, to bring before the notice of the public the fact that. the " Society to Promote the Disuse of Toothed Gins " is not the only one in existence, though it may be of greater import.. ance than that to which I belong. I am anxious that this should be known, simply to show that the interest at last happily awakened on the subject of cruelty exercised in trapping- " vermin " is gradually spreading,—and I would increase in any way I can the swell of the tide which is at last flowing in the right direction.—I am, Sir, &c., Old Vicarage, Beesham. HENRY THORP.