Baroness Burdett-coutts Has Again Been Paraded (not Now...
first time) on the Tory side of the political struggle. This time her authority is quoted for the insecurity of Irish property, under the present Government's proposed......
General Garfield, In His Letter Accepting His Nomination...
for the Presidency, strongly approves the Republican programme. He believes in the supremacy of the nation over the States, and would have the National Government secure the......
The Compensation For Evictions (ireland) Bill Has Been...
painfully through Committee all the week, Mr. Gibson, Lord Randolph Churchill, Lord George Hamilton, and Mr. Gorst having displayed as much resource as Mr. Parnell himself in......
Lord Lansdowne's Resignation Of The Under-secretaryship...
of his dislike for Mr. Forster's tem- porary Compensation for Ejectments Bill, may, perhaps, be not entirely unconnected with the very despotic traditions of his Kerry estate.......
Is There Not A Tendency Just Now To Forget The
proportions of things P We quite agree with those who think that the Dean of Westminster made a mistake in admitting Prince Louis Napoleon into the Pantheon under his charge;......
Mr. Roundell And Mr. Story Maskelyne Proposed To The House
of Commons yesterday week a resolution pledging the House to the principle of abolishing the clerical restrictions on the College fellowships and headships of Oxford and Cam-......
The Amnesty Difficulty In France Is Over. The Senate Passed
without a division the compromise Bill granting an Amnesty to all whom Government might pardon, unless condemned for incendiarism or murder ; and the President pardoned all the......