Mr. Dillwyn Has Carried Through The House Of Commons His
very useful Wild Birds' Protection Law Amendment Bill, which repeals and incorporates in itself the previous Seabirds and Wild Birds Acts, and extends protection during the......
The Victoria University Opened On Wednesday, When The...
Devonshire, the Chancellor, laid its charter on the table, and a grand banquet was afterwards held to celebrate its birthday. The University begins with Owens College,—which has......
A Romantic Incident At Constantinople, Of Which The...
were inclined to make much, was explained in the House of Commons on Thursday. It had been reported that a female slave had fled for protection to the British Embassy, had been......
A Memorial For The Absolute Abolition Of Vivisection Has...
presented to Mr. Gladstone, with a great many most influential signatures attached; nor are we surprised that the permission very improperly given under the recent Act to Dr.......
The Three Elections Of This Week Have Left The Balance
of parties unaltered. At Tewkesbury, on Saturday, Mr. Martin (Liberal) was elected by 380 votes against 298 ; majority, 82. At the General Election, the Liberal majority was......
The Duke Of Cambridge Has Issued A General Order Con-
veying to the Volunteers her Majesty's congratulations on their attaining their majority, twenty-one years. The order was pro- bably intended in part as a compensation for the......
Mr. Roundell And Mr. Story Maskelyne Proposed To The House
of Commons yesterday week a resolution pledging the House to the principle of abolishing the clerical restrictions on the College fellowships and headships of Oxford and Cam-......
The Week Has Been Marked, Especially In The North And
west, by thunderstorms of unusual violence, and it is probable that one of them caused a terrible colliery accident. Early on Thursday morning, 119 men and boys were in the......