17 JULY 1909, Page 16

[TO THE EDITOR or TIIE 'Sricara - roml SIR,—I am the owner

of a most intelligent Yorkshire terrier who has frequently shown that he is possessed of reasoning powers. As a rule, the sheep-dogs in our mountain village treat him with friendly contempt, but he has twice lately been attacked by a dog not far from home. The other day a friend invited 'Kim' to go for a walk ; be ran off gladly, but when he got near the cottage where his enemy lives be refused to go a step further, and my friend (knowing nothing of the enemy) brought him back, wondering at his behaviour. A day or two after I took Lim in the same direction. He stopped at the same spot. However, he followed me when I called him, but kept close beside me, and looked anxious and frightened till the point of danger was passed. Evidently his idea was that, though he would go for a walk with a friend, he would not risk his life in the company of any one but his mistress !—I