17 JULY 1909, page 16

Roberts Memorial Soldiers' Institute And Club.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."1 Sig,—Theae of your readers who have followed the correspondence you have kindly printed in your paper will doubtless be interested to hear......

Lto The Editor Of The "spectator"]

SIR, - I have an old dog who, in his prime, has fought many a gallant fight with wounded stags. The sight of my stalking- glass in my hand was a sufficient hint that I was bent......


A DEAD DOG. HE was no hound of fine heroic mould, A martyred Gelert grim and bold, A waiting Argus wistful at the knee Of pale Penelope, Such as for ever stays the marble feet......

Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......

"reconstructing The Crime."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article of July 10th on "The Third Degree" reference is made to "reconstructing the crime" in France. Will you allow me,......

[to The Editor Or Tiie 'sricara - Roml Sir,—i Am The Owner

of a most intelligent Yorkshire terrier who has frequently shown that he is possessed of reasoning powers. As a rule, the sheep-dogs in our mountain village treat him with......