How Shall We Govern India?
[10 TER EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—May I express my appreciation of the wisdom and good sense of the article in your issue of July 10th, " How Shall We Govern India"? I......
Treasury Encroachment On The Rights Of Civil Servants.
[To Tall EDITOR OP THE " SPECTLT08."] SIE,—There can be no doubt that the favourable reception given to the Superannuation Bill as a whole has been in part due to the fact that......
Why Not Popularise Consols?
To TUE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."1 have just read your interesting article on "Windfalls" in the issue of July 10th, in which you remark that reversions "are bought and sold......
• Land And The Budget.
rro THE EDITOR OF as “gekerAToe..-J gin,—P..irmit Me to supplement my letter on this suhlect, published hi your issue of June 26th, with two cases the Pres of which I have since......
[to Tar Editor Or Thr Sprotator."/ Sta,—yeur Theoretical...
the basis of our rule in India is extremely attractive as an attempt at a logical explanation of the fact that we are in India, and ea a summary of the reasons that justify us......