LTO TRIO EDITOR or TRIO " SPECTATOR. "] Bin, — I have been
much interested in reading in the Spectator of July 10th your article entitled "The Grand Victualler to the Nation." You strongly advocate a reserve of food in the country, and if I venture to encroach on your valuable space it is to point out how we women—housekeepers—can help in the matter, which is of such vital interest to the nation, dependent as we are on such huge supplies of foreign food- stuffs. My plan is quite simple, even for people with very small incomes. For some years past I have kept a reserve supply of ordinary domestic stores, and the principle could be adopted in thousands of homes ; by all, in fact, except by tho very poorest. My method was to buy double quantities—double sugar, coffee, tea, cornflour, &c.— and such things as rice, tapioca, and flour I always bought in rather large quantities, so as to get the extra pound usually given in. It is not given so generally now. Then when broach the reserve supply of any article I at once order in another quantity of it. The weekly expenses are the same. The first week meant a heavy outlay ; but by cutting down luxuries and all amusements for a week or fortnight even poor working people can save enough to buy some extra pounds of food. For well-to-do people it is very easy. I have proved this method to be of great convenience, as there is always food on band for emergencies without having to send out in a hurry if extra is wanted. If adopted by large numbers of people, it would further the object of your article—it would increase the supplies actually held in the country.—I am, Sir, [Undoubtedly the establishment of a reserve cupboard (not to be used except in a grave crisis) in, say, five million British households would greatly increase the staying-power of the nation. We should like to see the Government issue in- structions on this point.—En. Spectator.]