[to Trh Editor Op Tito "spectator."] Sin,—on Reading The...
interesting article entitled "The Grand Victualler to the Nation" in last week's Spectator, it struck me that the writer of it ignored one practical diffi- culty when he......
National Service.
[To THE EDITOR Or TRU "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Many persons disregard Lord Roberts's and Lord Kitchener's counsels in this matter because, they say, as soldiers they are prejudiced.......
Letters To The Editor.
THE GRAND VICTUALLER TO THE NATION. [To THE EDITOR OF TDB "SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—The article in your last issue under the above heading is very timely. At present our food reserves......
Lto Trio Editor Or Trio " Spectator. "] Bin, — I Have Been
much interested in reading in the Spectator of July 10th your article entitled "The Grand Victualler to the Nation." You strongly advocate a reserve of food in the country, and......
[To THE EDITOR or TUB "SPECTATOR:'] Sin,—Are we not sometimes mixing two things together, which, as you have said, are really distinct—military service at home and abroad P That......
"the Secret Of Germany's Strength."
[To Tex EDITOR or THE " SFECTATOTt." . ] Sin,—In your last issue, commenting upon my article entitled "The Secret of Germany's Strength" which appears in the current issue of......