For The Benefit Of Those Who Want To Avoid As
much as possible the necessity for obtaining legal advice in the course of their daily business, Mr. H. C. Emery has prepared a book of Forms and Precedents for Common Use......
The Path. Of Life. By Stijn Streuvels. Translated By...
Teixeira de Mattes. (George Allen and Unwin. 5s. net.)—In his preface to this little volume of essays the translator writes with so great enthusiasm of the charm of the West......
The Voice Of The Turtle. By Frederick Watson. (methuen And
Co. 6s.)—Mr. Frederick Watson is certainly clever enough : the greater the pity that he should allow two serious faults to spoil his work. He is, in the first place, guilty of......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column dose not neceseari4 prsaluds szassquent review.] Medals as a reward for war service seem to have been of comparatively modern origin in England : so, at......
Dr. Henry L. P. Hulbert Has Written A Short Memoir
of his uncle, Sir Francis Sharp Powell (Richard Jackson, 16 Com- mercial Street, Leeds, Gs. net). Sir Francis Powell was born in 1827, first entered Parliament in 1857, and with......
The Life Story Of A Russian Exile, By Mario Sukloff
(William Heinemann, 6s. net), is the autobiography of a terrorist. The author was twice exiled to Siberia—on the second occasion for assassinating a provincial Governor during......
Readable Novels.—maids Of Salem. By K. L. Mont- Gomery....
Long. 6s.)—A placid, easily moving story of the days of witch persecution in New England.—The Keys of My Heart. By Violet A. Simpson. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—We can scarcely......