[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, May I appeal through the columns of your paper for gifts of books and magazines to replenish our libraries in the Y.M.C.A. huts in the Base Camps in Franco P The books already sent out have boon greatly appreciated by the thousands of soldiers who make use of the recreational facilities provided by the Young Men's Christian Association, but a further supply of suitable books is now needed, both for the present buildings and for several new huts that are being opened in other centres. I should be glad if any such gifts could be forwarded to Sir Edward Ward's agency, marked " Y.M.C.A.," and addressed to Depot for Camps Library, 22 Earl Street, Westminster. The Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Mrs. Anstruther, is kindly co-operating with us in the matter of books. —I am, Sir, &c., A. K. YArr, General Secretary. National Council of Young Men's Christian Association., " George Williams House," 13 Russell Square, W.C.