17 JUNE 1837, Page 10


Swot 11 EctrANGE, Fat DAV A ETERNOoK.

The aid subject of interest in the City during the present week has been the state of the King's health. The business transacted in the English Funds has been quite unimportant, and the fluctuations Biding. Exchequer Bills have continued steady at rather improved prices. The intelligence from the United States receive.' on 31 lay, was of a very disastrous character ; but more re- cent advice% which came to band this morning, bring more favourahle accounts. Neither the favourable nor the unfavourable intellegence has in any degree af- fected the English Funds ; as, though they are very important to commercial classes connected with the United States, they have long ceased to produce any effect upon our Money-market. The embarrassments to which we line had so recently occasion to allude, have not extended lleyond the immediate sphere of the houses at Liverpool and Manchester connected with the London esta- blishments, whose stoppage was thew ;announced. It is, ho,vever, understood 400,000/. The present state of commercial credit has, however, put an almost total stop to business, and the exchange transactions both of Tuesday and to-day have been on an unusually small scale. The high rate of the exchanges cense. quent upon this state of things, is operating to increase the stock of Witte at present in the country ; and we have to notice a large arrival of gold from the Continent in the last few days.

news from the seat of war; and a similar depression having occurred in the various Stock has experienced a decline of l per cent., in consequence of unfavourable Foreign markets, where these Securities are current. Portuguese, and the other European Stocks, have remained steady; and a better tone has been given to the South American Securities.

The Foreign Stock Market has been in a quiescent state. The Spanish Active

The Share-market was at one period depressed, in the belief that the (Med. ties of the Lancashire shareholders would be such as to force them to throw a large amount of shares on the market ; but the prices revived yesterday after.. noon, when it became know that the Bank had acceded to the request for assistance then made to them, by which it is believed that they have not only averted the failure of one of our largest provincial mercantile houses, but also given stability to an immense number of the manufacturing establishments of Lancashire, with which the transactions of the house in question were under- stood to be very large, and its engagements consequently on so extensive a scale that their non.fulfilinent would have caused extreme distress.

The various Brighton Railway Shares have been in demand, at a slight ad. vanee of mice, in consequence of the arrangement which has been concluded between the competing companies. SATURDAY, TWF.I.TE O'CLOCK.

Consols for Account opened, buyers, at 91/, and were done at elf: ; but in consequence of a large sale have been since, sellers, at 91%, and are again 91% d. The Spanish Active Stock is heavy at 22, with little doing. Some inquiry has occurred after Columbian Bonds, winch have been done at 24. The other Soinh American Stocks are also a little in demand.

The Railway Shares are generally higher. London and Birmingham 53 to 55 prem. ; Great Western 4 to 5 prem. ; Greenwich 5 dis. ; Southampton 22 to 21 tbs. The various Brighton Shares are in request, at the following quota- tions,—Itennie's 1,A to ,I, Cundy's Ot, to 1, Gibbs' A to i, Stephenson's 3 to :4, per share. 3 per Cent. Consols shut Danish 3 per Cents. 73 Ditto for Account 014 1 Dutch '24 per Cents 534 3 per Cent. Reduced ... ..... 591 90 Mexican 15 per Cent 21 2 New 34 per Cent. Anus. ex il. shut Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 43* 1 Batik Stock -- Ditto 3 per Cent. 284 9

India Stock -- Ditto 5 per Cents 1838 Scrip . --

Exchequer Bills ..... 33 5 pm Prussian (1818)5 per Cent .. —

Belgian 5 per Cents ex. die 1004 Russian (1822)5 per Cent... 104

Brazilian a per Cents 84i Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 211 24