17 JUNE 1837, page 18

An Illustrated Edition Of Gray's Fine Ode, The Bard, Has

been got up by Mr. JOHN MARTIN, the hibliopolist, in a style corre- sponding with his beautiful edition of GRAY'S Elegy ; but the wood engravings in this instance, instead of......

A Short Visit To The Ionian Islands, Athens, And The

Morea, is a specimen of how easily a book of travels may be now-a-days made, and an example to refrain from doing it hereafter. Mr. Gar- man was ordered to pass the sharper......

Progress Of Pub Lication.

The Widow's O t trering should be bought, as being various al.d readable, containing pieces of humour, satire, and pathos, many shrewd observations, much true philosophy, and......

The Purpose Of Dove/on, Or The Man Of Many Impulses,

is not very clear; though, from the hero being contrasted with a man of sense, and always acting successfully upon impulse himself, we imagine the author wishes to prove that......

The Poet's Daughter Is Another Novel, Which Displays Some...

and some fluency, with a kind of flickering gracefulness of manner ; but the writer has too little acquaintance with life and its probabilities to be able as yet to construct a......

Picturesque And Historical Recollections, By Matthew...

is a genuine Milesian gentleman, who passed the "summer vacation of 1835" in a tour through Belgium and Switzerland, and who has contrived to give a sort of interest to the......

Memoirs Of Celebrated Women, Edited By G. P.r. Jastes, Esq.,

is another of those equivocal employments of names which discre- ditably distinguish the literature of the day: Mr. JAMES has "revised" the proof-sheets of the present......

The Doctor Is Concluded. The Fourth Volume Is...

the same qualities as we noted in the Third; though there are fewer" good stories," less of " shrewd, sensible, or touching ob- servations," and more of odd out-of-the-way......

Mr. Edwardblvtr, Of Tooting, Has Republished That...

Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. The characteristics of this new edition are—a great number of additional notes by the editor, sometimes illustrative, sometimes......

Mr. Mud's And The Reverend Henry Duncan Have Published Two

volumes upon Summer. The Summer of Mr. DUNCAN forms part of his Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons; and is distinguished by the same skilful compilation, and the same intermixture......

In A Preface To The Second Edition Of His Work

on Portugal and the Basque Provinces, Lord CARNARVON replies at length to the attack upon Isis views and statements made by the author of the Policy of England in Spain. Some of......

Besides These, We Have Several Other Publications Before...

of which require fuller notice, others fuller examination. Amongst the first class must be reckoned Besides these, we have several other publications before us, 50150 of which......