17 JUNE 1837, page 9

Mr. Lord, The Attorney For 13. W. Poulton And T.

Green, has in- formed the House of Commons, by petition, that he declines issuing the writs at the suit of those parties against Messrs. Nichols, the printers to the House of......

Business In The House Of Commons, Last Night, Was Commenced

by the rejection of the Portland Cemetery Bill ; the third reading of which was moved by Mr. Thomas Dem:oohs:. Mr. Buncombe la- boured hard to persuade the House, that, so far......


LATEST BULLETIN OF Tint: KING's HEALTH. 4. Windsor ('astle, Sattirda■, June 1701. 1837. The symptoms of his Majesty's disease have undergone on essential change since yesterday......

East Ind(a

from Bombay ; Tigris, Stevens; 1.011i,1 C:1111116 ii, • Robert Small, Fulcher ; and Richmond, MI'Lcod, v s., It, aI : Gregory, from Ceylon. At Deal. 1511,, Royal Admiral.......

The Evils Which Afflict The United States Are The Joint

productions of all parties and all classes. They have been protium' by over-banking over-trading, over-spending, over-dashing, over-driving, over-reaching, over - cheating,......

The Morning Papers State That The Improvement In The King's

health continued up to eleven o'clock last night. The Fist says_ " We have the happiness to announce that a considerable improvement has taken place in the state of his......

The Marquis Of Waterford Is Not In All The "

rows" which disturb the peace of his Majesty's lieges. Olt Alonday, the Morning Post charged his Lordship with being one of a set of disorderlies, who tore off knockers, broke......