The morning papers state that the improvement in the King's
health continued up to eleven o'clock last night. The Fist says_
" We have the happiness to announce that a considerable improvement has taken place in the state of his Majesty's health. The official bulletin of yester- day intimated to the public this interesting and cheering fact ; and it is our gratifying duty to state that the general impression among those who are enti- tled to approach the Royal person was even more favourable than that which the language of the physicians would seem intended to cony. y. Our coMMuni- eat bait; from Windsor to the latest hour at which intelligence could emanate from the Castle, are not less satisfactory than those received during the day."
The Times has a cautious confirmation of the good news from Windsor- " The anticipations that were yesterday (Thursday) so gancrally entertained of an improvement in the state of his Majesty's health ',:ave received fresh con- firmation to day (Friday.) His Majesty has enjoyed a night of more refreshing repose than Inc has for some time experieneed, and felt I. self considerably stronger in consequence. Sir Henry Milford, Sir Tierney, and Dr. Chambers left the Castle this morning for London, and are itot expected to return until to.morrow, Saturday,) Dr. Davies alone remaining in attendance opal bis Majesty. :Many persons are disposed to argtie, from this circumstance, that a decided amendment of the symptoms 1,55 appeared, and that at least uo immediate danger is to be apprehended. It is, at any late, certain that no re- lap,: has taken place, and that nothing has net:tared to re ohme the fears of those WI' supposed that the sudden iniptovernent we mentioned yesterday would pruve to be only momentary."
The Gazette of last night has the following Order in Council, dated yesterday- " The Lord President acquainted the Board, that it was the pleasure of his .11,3,sty that their Lordships should consider of the steps uroper to be taken for c,!ositig a form of player to be put up tel Almighty (mod tint the recovery of his aSecsty front the severe indisposition under which his :11,a;esty is labouring. •• It is ordered by their Lordships, that letters be wi Oki, to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of Yolk, Mforming them of his Majesty's pleasure to that effect."