17 JUNE 1837, Page 10

TIIE ARMY. Wsn-orrter, June 16.-211 Foot —Lieut. T. Sealy to

he Capt. bv purchase, vice Davie;, %% lo. retires ; Ensign G. S. Moodie to be Lieut. by purcha,e, 'vice Spill'. ; En- sign W. II. SI.Si ..... tons, from the 76th Emit. to be Fusigo, vim, Moodie, 12m It'Eoot- Lieut. 11. II. front halfilay tuna Mulled, to lie Lieut. vice White, idoinoted. 1911, Foo' —Capt. C. C. Hay to be 5Iajor, by putchase, vice Campbell, who retires; Lieut. It. Lovelace to be Capt. by purchase. vice Hay ; Ensign F. set timer to ho Lieut. by purchase, vice Lovelace ; A.Jeffreys, Gem. to be Ensign, ity purchase, vice Seymour. '20th Foot —Slajor C. C. 'Faylor to lie Lient..Col. by purchase, vice Green. w be retires ; Capt. C. J. Deshon to be Nbtior. by purchase, Vice Ta■ lor ; Lieut. F. Horn to be Capt. by purchase, vice Deshon. 22 1 Foot —I butt .1, (iii ire to be Ally. vice Cimway, promoted. 25th Foot --Capt. R. Jeukins, from Ow balr.pay mutt. taclail, to be Capt. vice W. I lemmings, AV 110 exeltanges. 41st Foot — Ensbni T..loneR to Jo Lieut. by plIrcliase,Vice Jenkins, promoted ; R. Pratt. lieut. to Eusign, huy purcha.e, vice Jones. 5411m Foot —11revel.Licut:Col. II. Ilart , from the It I I r pal of 1110 :Id I larrison Battalion, to be Capt. vice Walsh, promoted; Lieut. J. It. Tau tsr to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hart, who retires ; Ensign G. F. Long to be Limo. by purchase. vice Turner. 6Ist Foot—T. 1V, Hudson, Gent, to be 1111.14n, by purchase, site Bar. 'nester. ss In retires. 651 Foot—Capt. lion. (C. Upton to he Major. by purchase, vice Garvock, n Ito retires ; Lieut. 11.R. Moore to be C to. by porchase, vice I. tit ; Ensign T. K. Scutt to be ljelit. by purchase, sire Moore ; .1. F. Egar, Gent• to be Ensign, by parclut.w, vice Scott. Cith Foot —Lieut. C. Norris to 1E! Aojt. %ice K ho re- 'dots the Adjutancy only. 711 FOI —1:11,i 01 We B. (YCOMIS.11 to be Lieut. by IS ch.'.,', Glay at us Imo retires ; II. P. Camphell, (;ent. tu be Ete.ign, by purchase, 1).1 11111011. 71.1 /1 Foot I). J. I tickiuson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Sininion., appointed to the 2,1 Regt. of Foot. 1st \t"est India Ilm:t.—Serg.-Nlajur C. Phillips, from the 90th Ilegt. of Foot, to be Ensign, v■ it Mott purchase, 'ice ;.,crininger, dee. Unattached—Limit. S. White, from the ItIth Regt. of Foot. to be Capt. without pur- chase; Lieut. R. Jenkins, ft, au the 41,4 ot Emit, to be Capt, by pnrchase. Nlemoratulunt— Capt. A. NI Milian, half pay of the 1.1.mgarry Few:Odes, has been permitted to retire from the sett ice, by the sale of his commission, he being a settler la Upper Canada.