Grisi, it is said, demanded Mt, and at last lowered
terms to 6001., for singing at the Manchester music meeting in September next. This was thought too high by the Committee, who applied to Madame Devrient, and she demands 1,000 guineas.--Illirschester Conner.
The occupiers of stalls in the Opera-house the other evening were greatly amused at a scene, not on the stage, but in a box on the second tier, in the immediate vicinity. This is very well fur the first time, but we advise Mr. lb—n not to repeat it.—Post.
We were not surprised at the absence of a certain Royal Duke from Almack's on Wednesday evening last. An Illustrious Personage could explain this. The unbidden guest is rarely welcome.—Post.
A story has been going the round of the newspapers, of a duel said to have been fought near St. John's Wood, between the houourable Henry D— and Robert M—, Esquire, the latter having intrigued with the Honourable Mrs. 1.)-- : who these P--s and M—s sha- dow forth, we have not the slightest notion. The injured husband was mortally shot, just at the moment his repentant wife made her appearance on the ground in a cab, lialf mad with agony and remorse : it was added that she had since gone quite mad. '1 he whole story, we are assured by the Times, is a fiction. It was surely not, however, an ordinary penny-u-line lie ; but the production of a wag, who intended to quiz parties who perhaps have not fought, but take these matters coolly.
The Countess Zichy, late Miss Strachan, has received from the Marquis of Hertford, her guardiun,;the sum of ;30,000/. as her fortune.