17 JUNE 1837, Page 8


The numbers of destitute workmen in Glasgow are increasing con.

The pressure upon manufactures and commerce has at last reached Fileshire. Within a short time several extensive failures in the How of Fife, along the Leven, as well as in the towns upon the coast, have taken place. — Fifeshire Journal.

A subscriber to the Highland Destitute Fund has written a letter to the Times, to inquire how his money, and that of the other contri- butors, has been disposed of. The inquiry is reasonable and pertinent, and perhaps a satisfactory answer may be returned. We may here ob- serve, that the Aberdeen Herald adheres to its statement, for which the authority is said to be forthcoming, that the "starving" people of Kirkwall suffered a boat of seed and victuals to lie in the port for four days without any attempt to disturb the cargo.