The Dupuy Ministry has fallen, the immediate cause being the
refusal of the Chamber to express approval of the course which the Premier pursued on Sunday. It was expected that M. Lonbet, who intended to see the races at Longchamps, would again be hooted; and M. Dupny, possibly from some real fear, but possibly also to make the President ridiculous, "protected " him by an amazing display of force. Two-thirds of the police of Paris, supported by large bodies of cavalry and three thousand Municipal Guards, were assembled on the ground, and had orders to act with energy. They obeyed those orders. The majority of the crowd remained passive, but some Radicals shouted against the Army and Rochefort, and even attacked a café, and they were clubbed and arrested by the police. The conduct of the officials was commented on in the Chamber on Monday, M. Valliant, an extremist, leading the attack ; and M. Dupuy, in his schoolmasterly manner, justified his agents, finally demanding a vote of confidence. This was refused by a vote of 321 to 173 ; and the Ministry of course resigned, to the great delight of the Press of Paris, which detests M. Dupuy.