The New French Cabinet Has Not Yet Been Formed, Bnt
it seems probable that M. Poincare, to whom the task has been intrusted, will have his list ready by Saturday. M. Bourgeois, who was offered any post he liked, prefers to remain......
Colonel Picquart Has At Last Been Set Free, The Indict.
ment Chamber holding that the judgment of the Court of Caseation of itself destroyed the presumption against him of forging the cordon bleu. He is still liable to be tried on......
The Ostensible Reason Of The Defeat Was Probably Not The
real one. The Chamber holds that M. Dupuy has mismanaged the Dreyfus affair. The Radicals hate him because he proposed the Act taking the trial out of the hands of the Criminal......
A Curious Example Of The Boer Attitude Towards The Out-
landers is contained in the report of a meeting held at Boksbnrg on Wednesday. It was there declared that as the total number of the Boers was only forty thousand, while the......
The Dupuy Ministry Has Fallen, The Immediate Cause Being The
refusal of the Chamber to express approval of the course which the Premier pursued on Sunday. It was expected that M. Lonbet, who intended to see the races at Longchamps, would......
. President Kruger, At A Meeting Of The Raad On
Wednesday, declared that he could not in these troublous times say what was going to happen. " The other side had not conceded one tittle, and he could not give more. God had......
News Of The Week.
HE latest news in regard to the Transvaal leaves matters 1 very much where they were last week. On Monday Sir Alfred Milner, in answer to a deputation received by him at Cape......
* ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any case.......
Notice To Advertisers.
With, the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, June 24th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLE..1IENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......